We Have A Problem…

Greetings fellow readers,

There isn’t much time for me to write this. This may be my last blog post and I will try to explain everything. Basically, we got into this huge argument and the group split up. We were divided up into two groups. Jack took all the biguns and The Hunters and Ralph and I were left with all the littluns. This isn’t good for our group dynamic, but that’s not the problem. We got into this argument about how Jack was being greedy and going to hunt for pigs instead of keeping the signal fire going. I knew I should have stayed at the fire. Anyways, a boat passed and they did not notice the smoke and this is all thanks to the big man himself, JACK. Man I hate him. I cannot believe this guy. He stole my glasses just so he could light his fires and cook his pork meat. When the group split, I have done a lot of thinking. What if they don’t want to get back together? What will happen if Ralph leaves me? Can I survive on my own? What would happen if I talked to Jack? Is Jack still the same as we last met? How much has he changed? Today is the day I am going to confront him for the first time ever since we split. I hope they will accept my peace offering and give back my glasses, although it does only one working lens it would still be nice to have one eye to see with rather than nothing. I hope I will return safely and I will update you guys. If there is no update, well, this is good-bye.

Your fellow friend,



Welcome back fellow readers,

Today me and the boy I found yesterday went on a search for other people. Oh by the way, the boy’s name is Ralph. It took me a couple tries to get it out of him. I may or may not have annoyed him. I hope this does not get in the way of me becoming great friends with him :). Anyways, Ralph and I were searching through the island and we found this group of other boys. They called themselves ‘The Hunters’. I am going to be quite honest with you, their group name scares me a little. I hope Ralph doesn’t expose my secrets to them. The leader of ‘The Hunters’  is a boy named Jack. He thinks he is above all of us which is annoying if you ask me. Then again, him and his group are our chance of survival. All was going well between us and Jack, until Ralph tells them my name. All the boys start laughing and I almost cried, but I held myself together. As we settled down, we came up with the idea to start a signal fire. I thought it was genius but there was one problem. I HAVE ASTHMA. When I first explained this to Ralph, he thought I said ass-mar. Now I have to explain this to everybody else. This is not an easy task. Anyways if you are wondering what asthma is, it is a condition where you have trouble breathing. I won’t go into much detail because this post will take me ages to write. So when I told the boys this(that I have asthma), they thought differently of me. I don’t know what to do, and I hope this won’t change things. I’ll update you guys after we have made more progress.

Your fellow friend,


Where am I?

To my fellow readers,

I, surprisingly, survive the plane crash. It was a horrific sight to see. I could not spot a single person from the plane crash. It was really scary to be alone for once without knowing what to do. What if I’m the only person that survived the plane crash? How long will I be on this place? Where am I? Could this really be the death of me? As I panic thinking about what to do at this moment I hear something off into the distance. When I finally get a clearer understanding of the sound I start walking to that voice. When I realize it is the sound of another boy’s voice I am filled with joy, knowing that I am not the only boy who survived the plane crash. I don’t know what I would have done if I was alone in this place. As I run up to the boy, I introduce myself to him. I tell him my name but, he does not seem to want to tell me his. I then ask him where we are. He then responds saying, “We are stuck on an island.” An island? What if we’re in the Bermuda Triangle? Maybe this island is cursed. Will anyone come rescue us? All these questions are still not answered and I feel that my parents are worried. It is getting dark and we do not have shelter. I am really scared of what might happen :(. How long will we be here for? How long will it take for society to rescue us. Maybe we will never escape this island. If you are reading this, please send help A.S.A.P.

Your fellow friend,
